“Patients with a spinal cord stimulator who are not experiencing at least 50% pain relief do NOT have to settle. Now, they have options!” - Dr. Michael Skaliy
For many patients struggling with back pain, especially people who have already tried various treatments without good results, Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) can feel like their last chance to lead a normal life. They “test drive” the treatment, and results are encouraging, so they opt for the long-term version… only to be let down.
The reality is, some people who have a spinal cord stimulator placed are not even experiencing 50% pain relief. Around half is not nothing, but it’s not the life-changing treatment they were expecting. That’s why I’m very excited to share a better option. Abbott Medical recently released a new SCS system that stimulates in a totally different way than previous spinal cord stimulators offered by other companies. This new treatment, Abbott Burst SCS, is changing lives every day, and I could not be more excited!
What Abbott Burst SCS is doing for patients
I have seen the benefits of the Abbott Burst SCS system firsthand in my practice. After we have removed the old SCS batteries in patients and installed the new Abbott SCS system, our patients have reported significantly more pain relief than they had with the older SCS technology.
And these substantial increases in pain relief are not limited to this practice. A recent multicenter, unbiased study, with no funding from any of the SCS companies, found that, in the group of SCS patients that were receiving less than 50% pain relief with their non-Abbott implanted SCS system, those patients experienced significantly more pain relief with the new Abbott SCS system. In fact, 80% of patients who said they were dissatisfied with the old SCS system reported as much as 40% additional relief with the Abbott SCS Burst system.
How Abbott SCS Burst delivers better results
Abbott took what was working with spinal cord stimulation and made it better. Much like the latest smartphones are more advanced than earlier models, better SCS technology offers more advantages that have not been previously available, which has led to better outcomes for patients seeking pain relief through spinal cord stimulation.
Burst SCS is optimized to mimic the natural neuron firing patterns in the brain, changing the perception of the pain, and offering superior long-term pain relief without the “tingling” sensation common to previous SCS treatment options. This improved low-dose stimulation pain relief system comes with a battery that lasts up to ten years without a recharge. And, best of all, like previous versions of spinal cord stimulation, patients can “test drive” Abbott Burst SCS before they decide on the long-term treatment option.
If you have a spinal cord stimulator that is not providing the relief that you need to get back to life, we encourage you to contact us to discuss this proven, new technology and how it may help you.